Friday, 9 September 2011

Fashion's Night Out NYC

Apologies for being M.I.A. this week! I've been crazy busy with school, my new internship, and most of all my apartment search. However, I did find the time to celebrate Fashion's Night Out last night (how could I not?). We ended up in SoHo and it was absolutely packed! Lots of fun giveaways, free champagne (mini beers at Prada? Okay.), and celebrity sightings. Here are a few pictures I managed to snap between the chaos and sprinkling rain.

 { lines starting at 6p.m. on West Broadway }

{ chaotic crowds }

{ security for the Victoria's Secret models }

{ view from Prada }

 { lovely heels }

{ karaoke at Kate Spade }

{ how cute are those drinks? }

{ glitter stilettos! }

{ mob to see the Kardashians }

{ lipstick reapplication at Space.NK }

{ a friend getting a full makeover at Space.NK }

{ lovely flower I received at Kate Spade hanging on my mirror } 

{ my freebies! -- and one purchase }